SoftOptions is a method of working with clients, software, testing and
development, that is close to XP and RUP. We have adopted it as our standard
method of working because this gives our clients and ourselves some serious
advantages over other methods.
For example:
- It is almost impossible for us to deliver code containing a bug, which means
that your system is bug free and reliable.
- We deliver core functionality early. You can see what the code does in time
to get the "wrinkles" out, as well as have concrete progress and an early start
to your pay-back period.
- We deliver every 2 weeks, meaning you can measure progress with pin sharp accuracy.
- You choose the content of each 2 weekly build. You decide what is important
so you can meet externally imposed deadlines such as exhibitions or launches.
- Every requirement is treated as independent of the rest. You select it
for inclusion from a priced menu of remaining work. You are completely in control.
- Further you are free to change the requirement (at no charge) until selected
for inclusion. You get to revise and improve your statement of requirements - for
free - before we build. Therefore what we build has the greatest chance of being right
first time.
- We also never build, and therefore never charge for, requirements you find
you actually do not need or want. No better saving is possible that not doing
something and saving 100% of the cost. No training costs either!
You can find out about the 12 practices by clicking here.